Sunday, October 17, 2010 they ever stop?


i find myself asking the same questions i remembering asking 10 years ago? will i ever reach a point where i will stop asking? why is it i have such a need to understand why things are the way they are? is it a control thing? if i really knew why, then would i be happy and content with the answer, or would it still not be enough?

is this what trust & faith is all about? stop asking the questions when you never get answers? because the questions run rampant in my mind does that mean i have not faith? will i ever be satisfied just being/existing? will i ever be satisfied in the midst of questions with no answers?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goal Chart

This girl has been gettin' a lot of stickers this week!!!!!

I made a goal keep me motivated, encouraged, on task, and accountable. AND it includes creating the chart and the use of stickers so what could be better then that!?!?!?!?!

Some things on my goal chart are:

play the guitar again


honor the Lord with food choices

no eating out

drink less than 1 soda a day


time with Jesus

encouraging others


I have a long list for each day and at the end of day i put a sticker next to the goals that I reached for that day. I am happy to report that I am allllll stickered up this week!!! It's such a fun visual way to stay motivated! Yay for goal charts/stickers/and reaching the goals!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Meet my friend Lucy ~

I don't think I have shared this story with many people...but I think there is a reason I met this jewel of a lil girl. So here it goes....

It was August, 17th roughly 7:30am. I was standing in the first of a few lines in the airport in Santiago, teary eyed and numb. This was the day I left my 3 month journey in the DR. I have shared this next nugget of truth with everyone that has asked: I WAS NOT PREPARED TO LEAVE NOR DID I WANT TO GO. (I still feel this way) As I went from checking my luggage, to waiting to enter the automatic doors feeling Jen & John's eyes on me and hearing them jokingly say "don't look back" (I didn't) there were about a million thoughts running through my mind. Ranging from "who can I call to come and get me and how long until the G.O. staff realize that I didn't get on the plane" to "I can't wait to see my friends again" to "I can't believe my 3 months is really over" and on and on the internal dialogue between me and the Lord went. It's still going on by the way and it's been 5 weeks. *sigh*

OK, back to Lucy....As I exited the first line and got rerouted to my second line I spotted her. She was with an older woman, who appeared to be her grandma, and she was carrying a super cute pink backpack, and she just kept making eye contact with me and grinning from ear to ear. She had my heart right then and there. I said "hola" and she proudly responded "hi! you look just like my mom!" That was the first of MANY sentences out of her lil precious mouth. We quickly became best friends!!! She told me all about her visit in the DR, that she was super excited to go back to Ohio, I look exactly like her mom but whiter, allllllll about school, her little sister, and on and on and on. What a doll!!!!

We chatted in the Santiago airport...and wouldn't ya know it, she was on my flight to Miami just a few seats away so she kept checking to see if I was still in my seat all throughout the flight...she waited for me when we got to miami....chatted all the way to baggage claim...even ended up in the same lines for customs....THEN dun dun dun....I told her that I had to go to my gate. She begged me to stay, clung onto my leg, and cried HUGE crocodile tears.

It was if the Lord knew what I needed for my breaking heart and He provided this ray of sunshine named Lucy. I have thought about her many times since August 17th...I have thanked the Lord for her and the joy she brought me when I needed it! I'm sure the Lord had other reasons that I can't even begin to understand, but I do know that He has a purpose in EVERY single thing, that He uses EVERY single thing for our good and His glory, that things don't "just happen" but there is a purpose even if we don't see it or understand it.

I guess you can say that I see this as a trend in my life the past year and a half...things that seemingly don't make sense or things that seem mundane and ordinary but they are indeed being woven into my life for His purposes and His plans and some day whether it's here on earth or in Heaven, I will understand just what He has been up He has used the very things I spent most of my time questioning for His purposes. I LOVE that He is in the business of orchestrating my life for His glory and that I am called to love and serve and enjoy the ride.

Lord, thank you for Lucy. Thank you for using ALL that you allow for our benefit and Your glory! Thank you that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance! Thank you that You give us what we need when we need it and that You protect us from things we may think we want but that aren't best for us. Thank you that You have given me a heart for kids, that I am able to receive so much joy even from a few hours with a girl named Lucy from Ohio! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him

I LOVE this picture. A sweet girl named Clare, from KY took this of me the week I was in the Batey's helping out with a medical clinic. I was not aware of the camera...I am so glad she took this photo. It gives me chills actually.

From my very first trip to the DR (March '09) up to present day (Sept '10) I can't keep track of all the people that have told me what they see in me in my trips to the DR. Things such as: "You have joy like nothing I have ever seen before", "there is a passion in side of you that comes out in the DR", "the true you is seen in your DR pictures", "the love of Christ pours out of u there", "You have the joy of the Lord in the DR"....and I could go on and on and on.

When comments like this first started I just kinda brushed them off....oh, it's only because I am really white compared to the people there or it's cuz I am sweating. (Both are very true!) But the more and more I have been told that the more I feel like the Lord is telling me to really listen to what they are saying....really try to grasp what they understand that He is using them to speak truth into the parts of my heart that doubt resides in.

I know it may seem silly, but have u ever tried to view yourself how others see you. It's hard. And what I find to be EVEN MORE DIFFICULT is viewing me how Christ sees me. Tis my thorn people! BUT I think the Lord is using these comments (and they are a plenty!) to show me how He views me....that when I am most satisfied in Him the more glory He receives...if I light up by serving in the DR and loving the people there, it's Him they are seeing not me. When I have joy, it's Christ in me being revealed!!! Now that is some truth I wanna take to heart!

When I look at the picture above, I get a tingling feeling all over....I remember that day, I remember those kiddos, I remember the silent prayers I prayed over their lil lives, I remember how my heart skipped walking in the Batey's, I remember feeling the joy of the Lord flowing through me, It makes me long for reveal Him to be and do what He has created me to be and makes me love Him more!

Thank you for all your comments...YOU have been a huge help in me seeing myself as He sees me! Gracias!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

back. numb. food. decision.

I have been back in the states for over 3 weeks now. Sure doesn't seem like that is possible. I am having an interesting time of transitioning back to "normal". There have moments where I have hated being in America, or when I am numb to just about every feeling/emotion, and even moments of joy. (ok, to be honest most of the joy has been when I have remembered something that happened when I was in the DR and I jump at the chance to share it with someone, anyone who is within hearing distance and breathing.)

It's hard to put into words just what spending 3 months in the Dominican has done to me, my life, my heart, my future. Even now being back for a Hott Minute, it's still pretty difficult to articulate anything about my experience. This is a very new thing for me to experience. I would describe it as a weird numbness...i dunno. maybe, hopefully one day soon I will get out of the fog I am residing in to allow others to know what my time was like in a way that a human can understand. (me shaking my head and mumbling doesn't quite give an accurate picture of the state of my heart!)

I wanted to share something pretty sweet that happened while I was away. though. so. here. i. go.

You all know how my struggle with food has been ALL my life...and I mean like even when I was in the womb ALL. It's like the idea of food, the ability to "control" what I eat and don't eat has loomed over me like a rain cloud over know, like when He can't get away from it, he doesn't have a home to hide in, and his tail is missing. That's kinda how I have felt ALL my life. While in the DR I was not controlled by food. Heck, I didn't even really think much about it. I ate what I was given, ate only until I was satisified, didn't snack much at all, and ate plenty of fruits and veggies. (Some may say, oh must have not enjoyed Dominican food and that's why you lost so much weight...on the contrary my friends! The cooks are FANTASTIC and put most everbody I know to shame. They gots skillz yo!)

IT WAS AMAZING! (not just the food but the freedom I experienced)

It was a sweet surprise from the Lord...spending 13 weeks out from under the bondage of this nasty thing...oh the freedom! An encouraging verse that I came across during one of my last weeks in the DR was this: "Do not destoy the work of God for the sake of food" - Romans 14:20 Oh the nuggests of truth, the amount of applicable things to take from such a simply stated verse. No amount of any sugary goodness can compete with the work of God!!!!!! I have said before (this was actually something the Lord taught me on my first trip to the DR) that I can't do what He is asking me to do if I am at an unhealthy weight....right now I am hindering the work of God because I have given into the "cravings" of my sinful nature....and these happen to be food cravings. (get it...cravings....oh i crack myself up!)

In all seriousness though....just think about the implications of that verse...there are sooooooo many ways you can apply it....I would love to know your thoughts about what you believe that verse is saying to you, so by all means, please share!

ANYWAY....I could type for days about what I have seen the Lord do in my heart in this area so I think I will apare you and stop for now.

On a more intense note: I decided to wait to make a decision about my future....go back to the DR fulltime or stay in the states, in 6-8 weeks after my return. I want to be sure that I am hearing from Him and not making an emotional decision. (me emotional? ha! All of you that know me know that it is wise for me to wait, so I am) I am praying, reading His Word, reflecting on my experience, and seeking wise counsel. No matter where He leads me I know that I know that I know He is right there with me, ready to love me, challenge me, stretch me, mold me, and provide for me in the place He is leading me to. What an amazing thing to know that, to believe in it, and to trust in it!

Friday, August 20, 2010



This is me "verbally" processing so I may think differently tomorrow...don't judge, k?

I don't want to be here.

I need to be here because this is where He has me right now.

I don't care about wordly makes me angry when others do.

I want soooo desperately to live my life with purpose...intentionality...I want every moment to count for eternity...I don't want to settle for mediocrcy...I don't want to take the easy route...I want to take leaps of faith for Him...I want my life to matter.

I want my life here in the states to somehow morph into life in the DR and not have a divided heart.

I would give ANYTHING to be back in the DR right now.

I don't want to be numb...I want to FEEL something, anything.

I want to feel alive...I want to shine for Him...I want to be who He longs for me to be, who He is transforming me into...I want to live for Him and Him alone.

I want to long for Him.

I want to be content in the very place He is asking me to be doing His work as He leads be abiding in be remaining in be loving and serving be on my knees at the very mention of His name...

I want to know what He has for me...I want answers...I don't want to wait patiently...

I told you this was me "verbally" processing... *sigh*

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Thanks for all the prayers for safety as I traveled back to the states. I arrived on time with no glitches with flights so that was good. My dear, sweet friend Jeanette picked me up (it's a lil tradition for her to be the first one to see me once I have returned back to the states from overseas). After an enjoyable dinner with her and car ride home, we stopped off to visit her wonderful hubby and our great friend, Ditty.

It was super great seeing familiar faces, ones that have become my family here in heart is conflicted though. I long to be with my new family in the DR too...please continue to pray for me as i adjust to being back in the states, to this culture, pace of life, etc etc. I can see that it is going to be really tough.

More to come...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Updated DR Pics

A few weeks ago, some friends from Crossroads came down on a week long trip and I joined up with them for another trip to the Batey's to continue the work being done on the Nutrition Center in Batey Cuchillo. Here are some pics from that trip. Enjoy!

Every shovel full of dirt is one step closer to kids being fed.

How refreshing to see old friends in the DR.

New friend, Poton, who I will miss dearly.

My friend Franci - u will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart!

The WALLLLLL of the Nutrition Center....yesssss, there are finally walls!!!
Thanks everyone who gave, prayed, and came.



my friend Roberto. We shared many smiles and laughs!

Clara is a kindred spirit!

Yolanda - what a beautiful, godly woman.

Me and Pastor Francisco's kiddos. This was right before Franci clung onto my leg and started crying because he didn't want to say goodbye to me. About broke my heart....

Me and some of the fun gals!!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finishing Strong

I am having a difficult time understanding exactly what this means for me. I have one more week here in the DR and currently I am bed sick, again, and am unsure what my last week will look like. I thought that finishing strong meant staying strong, working hard, and pushing the most u can push until the in a race...sprinting the last mile. However what I have come to realize that ministry isn't like running a race all the time.

Sometime finishing strong does mean working your tail off until the end, but I think for me this week, finishing strong looks like the following:

*resting when I am told to rest.
*encouraging those around me to continue serving and loving they way they are called to.
*spending quality time in His Word.
*journaling about what He is revealing to me and teaching me.
*prayerfully joining the team that is coming in and coming alongside them in the journey the Lord has called them on while they are serving here in the DR for 1 week.
*laughing and connecting with the Nationals that I have come to know and love.
*thanking the staff for all the encouragement and support that have given me the past 3 months.

So what if I don't pick up another shovel or fill another water jug...yes those things have been daily tasks that I have loved to do, but maybe the Lord has other plans for me for my last 7 days here. I think I have learned this summer that He is in every single detail, every seemingly mundane task. He is the orchestrator of our time here on earth, so I don't want to sit and be sad because I am not able to leave my bed right now, I want to see Him in the midst of it all. I don't want to miss out on all that He has to show me and all the ways He desires to use me.

One thing I will challenge you with is this: look for Him in everything. Have the eyes and heart to see Him working in the midst of silence, in the midst of chaos, in the midst of frustration, in the midst of tragedy. He is at work all the time!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time, where have you gone?

It is 11:20 am on Tuesday, July 20th and this means one thing. I only have 4 more weeks left here in the DR. This place has become home. The people have become family. The staff have become kindred spirits. The culture has gently nudged it's way in my heart permanently. I have a feeling that this means I should get some Kleenex's pronto!

It was a lil over a year ago when I began to serisously consider coming here on the internship, followed by many months of not being sure, to jumping on a plane just 2 short months ago, to now only having 4 weeks left. I was reminded the other day of just how faithful the Lord has been in EVERYTHING leading me up to this day. From showing me how faithful He is in the little things and the BIG things to providing in ways that still make my jaw drop to the floor!

No matter the end result of my time here, I know that this journey was for a purpose. That He will use the things that I have learned here to continue to shape and mold me into who He desires me to be and will use my time here and the relationships that I have built for His purposes and His glory. I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to be a small part of His HUGE plan.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Going Home - Trip to the Batey's

This past week I had the joy of going back to the Batey's. This is the place that I have been on my first two trips here, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I have come to know people there and feel like they are my family. I have been anxiously waiting for the chance to go back since I first arrived in Santiago, but I knew that it would be awhile before I would have the opportunity to go. Welp....I finally got to go! It was a great week. There was a group from KY that came to do a medical clinic in 2 of the Batey's so it was a very busy but fruitful week. We sorted meds one day, then hosted 2 days of medical clinics, then had a day of evangelism and VBS. I had the priviledge of seeing 2 people come to know the Lord, hundreds of people received medical care that they wouldn't have otherwise gotten, children laughed and played with the Americans, and many hearts were changed as a result of the week.

It was a week full of joy and sadness. The sad part for me was going to Batey Cuchilla and seeing the feeding center that my church has committed to build. The building is the same way we left it after our last trip in November. It brought tears to my eyes to see that nothin has changed in 8 months. It also breaks my heart to see a place that is in so much need not get help. Out of all thr groups that have come this summer to serve with G.O. only 3 are going to the Batey's. And only one of those groups is doing construction. That means that children will still be going without food....hearts will still be broken....and lives will be lost. If we don't go, then who will? If we don't give, the who will? If we don't pray, then who will? Will you?

Feeding center in Batey Cuchilla

Monday, July 5, 2010

Humility is hard but OH so worth it!

About a week ago I hit my breaking point. This is a very good thing.

I realized a BIG sin issue I had in my life was controlling me and affecting those around me. It was pretty ugly. What's interesting is that it took being wronged for me to realize it. I have always been the type of person that is caring towards others. It kills me to know that I have the power to hurt and tear down. I can deal with being the one that is hurt, but I can't deal with the fact that I hurt others. I was consistently being hurtful and not really aware of it until the Lord revealed that to me through a misunderstanding where I was wronged...

I am sooooo incredibly thankful for how the Lord is in the business of changing and transforming...I don't want to be me, I want to be who He desires me to be. I am blessed to have a Father that isn't satisfied but that wants me to be like His Son and lovingly guides me towards that. I know I will never fully arrive, but I am thankful that I atleast get to be on the journey because that means He receives ALL the glory, honor, and praise as I continue to be molded into the likeness of His Son. It's not a pretty process or a fun process, but oh the joy that is found along the way, wouldn't change it for ANYTHING!

I am also thankful that He gives me and others the ability to forgive lovingly and graciously. Boy oh boy, what would I do if that wasn't true!?!?!?!

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient; bearing with one another in love" - Ephesians 4:2

B-ball in the DR

This past week I had the privilege of helping out with a basketball camp. I coached 12 boys on the Verde team. I helped lead a rebounding station in the mornings and then coached my team in games in the afternoon. Not only did we try to teach the boys basketball skills but we also taught them about the Lord. I was able to share verses in the Bible that relate to playing sports but more importantly are applicable to life as well. My main focus for the boys wasn't to win, but to glorify God in all they did. I had soooooo much fun coaching these guys...I pray that the things I taught them from the Word will leave an indelible mark on their hearts.

Team Verde - Go GREEN team!!!!!!!

Coach Witcho in action with team Blanco

I love this lil guy!

My team looks tough don't they?!?!?!
I was super nervous to coach at the beginning of the week. I was the only female coach so I wasn't sure if I would be received well...girls in sports is becoming more accepted in the DR but still not many girls play sports. I am also a lil rusty. I haven't coached for several years so I wasn't too sure if I would have much to offer these kids. I am in awe of the verse in Philippians, which I have had memorized since I was in high school: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength". I have known the verse but saw it lived out this week. Even with the language barrier, the fact that I am a girl and rusty at coaching, He gave me everything I needed in order for Him to be glorified through me this week!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Go AWAY Bacteria....

Verdict has been reached...I had a bacterial infection of some sort. Boy am I glad to see the bacteria go away!!! I can't remember a time I was that sick. When it first happened I was soooo frustrated because I am here to serve and being sick takes me away from being able to do that! BUT THEN, I realized something pretty sweet...

Last week I had put my back out....that is what doing construction and lifting water jugs will do to ya after awhile. So when the first groups were here I couldn't really participate in the construction work because I was in too much pain. It was very frustrating, but I became a master at fetching water for people. :) I started taking some medication to feel better but the pain wasn't lessening, if anything it was getting worse. then enter the dreaded bacteria!

what I have come to realize is that the Lord had a definite purpose in allowing me to get sick this past week. I came to this conclusion even more fully on Thursday night when I was laying on the couch that had become my home for several days. I truly believe that the Lord gave me time to get my back better because when I had my fever I could barely even sit up let alone be up walking around and doing things. I slept a lot, got plenty of rest, and my back had time to fully recover and heal properly without me pushing it to do more then it could. When I think about that I am soooo grateful I got sick. If that is what it took for my back to be better, then I would do it alllllll over again. I can't be here and do what I believe He has called me to do, if my back is out. Praise the Lord for bacteria! ha!

I think sometimes we go day to day not really paying much attention to our lives and the things that happen to us. Have you ever thought that maybe you have to wait at a stop light for an extra 30 secounds because the Lord is protecting you from an accident right past the intersection. Or that when you chose to hold the door open for someone at a restaurant, that maybe just maybe that saw a glimpse of Jesus in that moment. Or how bout when you smile to that homeless person you see on the street, maybe that was just the right amount of encouragement for him to look for a job. He has a purpose in all that He allows to happen in your life as well as all the things He leads you to do during the day. I was reminded of that this week...look for him in the "little" things...I bet you'll be surprised at what you see Him do!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Things I NEVER wanted to experience in the DR and other stuff :)

Soooooo, our first teams were set to leave on Tuesday, then the rest of that day is getting all the sleeping and eating areas ready for the next round of teams. The day was going as planned and then about 5ish that afternoon things started to go down hill for me...and fast.

I was soooo feverish and felt faint/dizzy/fatigued. Left the work site to go take my temp (had to be driven back to the dorm by Luis...which by the way he has become my favorite person here! more about him in another blog to come!) I got to the staff nurse and it was confirmed, I had a fever. Then I went home, took some medicine, was in and out of sleep, THEN the "other symptoms" began. I'll spare you the details. I was in and out of sleep all night, woke up at 6am Wednesday morning with a very high temperature...was taken to get blood work done which I then passed out at the clinic...then came back to home to the iv that was waiting for me...rested a lot that day...then had a semi-ok day on thursday with the fever to return that night. whew....

just typing all that makes me tired. I am still pretty fatigued, very weak (haven't had barely any food since tuesday at lunch time) If my fever returns then I will need to go get more blood work done, if not then I just need to spend time resting and getting ready to start back to work as soon as I can. Please pray this happens quickly...being in bed for 3 1/2 days and probably more is absolutely no fun!!!

All in all my time here in the DR has been AMAZING! I had a great time with the first team. Thanks EASTVIEW for making my first team experience a great one!!!! It was a joy to share life with those people for a week and work alongside them!

Here are some things that I thought would be fun to share about my time here. Hopefully this will give you a snapshot of what living in the DR is like:

1. rooster cook-a-doodle-do at midnight on a regular basis.
2. loud music that shakes the foundation of a house is a regular occurance.
3. skim ices are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! (they are like freeze pops but sooooo much better)
4. beans and rice. eggs and chicken. need i say more?
5. squeaky doors are alarm systems.
6. horns are honked just because.
7. even if a moto driver tells you he can take you to your neighborhood doesn't actually mean he will. but the taxi driver outside of the city did make good on his promise to return us home!
8. there is a Burger King in the mall in the city and it tastes the same.
9. water is a blessing and must not be taken for granted.
10. i'm convinced that mosquitos are infatuated with me anymore because there is more tastier blood entering the country.
11. you can buy just about anything from the street vendors.
12. there is something refreshing about hanging your clothes out to dry.
13. Dominicans have an amazing way of making you feel like family.
14. EVERYONE checks on you when you are sick, numerous times a day. this made me feel very loved!
15. spanish is hard to learn when people speak fast and drop the "s" off of most words.
16. Dominican time is not like American time. ten minutes could really mean 4 days.
17. saying "hola" can bring a smile to a childs face.
18. I feel like I am in my own parade when walking down the street. Can I help it I am pasty white and blonde??? :)
19. Construction workers are FANTASTIC! They are hard workers like nothing I have ever seen before!
20. no matter what the end result is of my time here, the DR will always feel like home.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flying by. Family questions. Photos.

The first teams of the summer arrived here on Tuesday night. It's hard to believe that my first week with teams is almost over! It seems like they just got here today. I'm guessing that the rest of my summer will go just as fast as the past few days. This week we continued to do construction as well as a VBS day in two areas in Santiago. It's always a joy to see children singing and smiling and learning about Jesus.

I have been here in the DR almost 4 weeks now. It has flown by! I have been processing through a lot about my future. Some days I think I could totally do this "missionary thing" and other days not so much. It's been an interesting battle in my brain and in my heart since being here and I don't see an end in sight.

Been thinking a lot about mom's inevitable when u meet new people to talk about family. The dreaded questions always come up...which means I talk a lot about her and what happened and how I have been dealing with it. Which then means I think about her A LOT! I often wonder what she would think about my decision to come here. I hope that she would be proud of me, but I just still wonder. I continue to praise the Lord for the time I was able to have with her, for the memories, for the hard stuff, for the good stuff, and for all the stories I have tucked in my brain about her not wearing clothes! (these always make for a good laugh!) My life is what it is because of those experiences and for that I am grateful.

but boy oh boy do i miss her.

Here are some pics over the past week. (sorry there aren't more....i couldn't get more to load) Enjoy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pics, Pics, and MORE Pics

This pic is one of my favorites that I have ever taken. There is sooooo much unsaid in the faces of the girl and the kids. I see faces like that everyday. There's a story behind every face you come in contact with. As I have continued to look at the pic over and over again, I'm reminded to pray for them. To ask the Lord to do amazing things in this girl's life. To ask Him to protect those precious precious kids. I hope one day I will see these faces again for eternity.

The next group of photos were taken one afternoon right in the neighborhood that I am living in. There are some precious kiddos right across the street from my front door and they always pretend to shoot me when I walk past. They crack me up! So I decided one day that I would play some games with them and just spend time lovin' on them and hopefully these pics depict the joy we had that afternoon.

This lil guy is the shooter! :)

We had the privilege and joy of having a game night with the Haitian gals I mentioned in a previous blog post. It was soooo much fun playing Twister, spoons, and a question/answer game with them. They are soooo much fun and very sweet. This was one of my favorite evenings I've had so far here in the DR.
The first 3 teams arrive tomorrow!!!! Yay!!!! Soooo excited to meet them and serve alongside of them here. Please pray for all the teams safety while traveling and pray for the interns and staff as we prepare for our long, busy summer!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Feeding Center

The following pictures are from a feeding center in Los Perez, which is in Santiago. This feeding center has been up and running for only 2 weeks and they already have about 80 kids! This feeding center will provide the kids one meal a day. Praise the Lord for Pastor Nico who is overseeing this area!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Construction: not just building walls, but building relationships

There have been a few teams that have cancelled/postponed their trip to the D.R. so that means we get to do various projects during the weeks before groups start coming. This week we had the pleasure of helping out with construction on the Central Church. This building is going to be amazing for the ministry once it is completed. I have helped carry block, chisel floors, sand walls, mix concrete, carry buckets of concrete, etc. At this one particular construction site there has to be atleast 70 people there working on this building. It's incredible to see Dominicans, Haitians, and Americans all coming together to serve one another and get this building built! It's been a blessing and a privilege to help out.

Here is a picture of some of the people who are helping with construction. Also while helping we became friends with some women from Haiti that will be attending this church when it is finished. (they currently meet in another building) They are sooo curious about the English language, American culture, and just wanting to get to know us. They have been a joy.

What transpired on Thursday afternoon at the construction site is exactly why I love G.O. Ministries. We began doing construction together as a group of women...we left that day as friends. We put down our tasks and built relationships with one another. This life is about building relationships, sharing Christ with those who don't believe, encouraging those that do, and fostering a relationship that will challenge, transform, and sharpen one another. This is exactly what G.O. Ministries does! Yes, they have tasks, goals, and a clear vision but within that is all about building relationships and changing lives through Jesus Christ. Changed hearts is what will last for eternity!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Haitian community in Santiago.

"the Hole" - Community that is essentially a dump. G.O. Ministries has a prescence in this community and there is now a church and feeding center built here. This community needs a lot of prayer! Pray for Pastor Felix who is leading the charge to change lives and hearts through sharing Jesus with the people in the hole as well as meeting their basic needs.

Precious girl who lives in "the hole"