Saturday, June 19, 2010

Go AWAY Bacteria....

Verdict has been reached...I had a bacterial infection of some sort. Boy am I glad to see the bacteria go away!!! I can't remember a time I was that sick. When it first happened I was soooo frustrated because I am here to serve and being sick takes me away from being able to do that! BUT THEN, I realized something pretty sweet...

Last week I had put my back out....that is what doing construction and lifting water jugs will do to ya after awhile. So when the first groups were here I couldn't really participate in the construction work because I was in too much pain. It was very frustrating, but I became a master at fetching water for people. :) I started taking some medication to feel better but the pain wasn't lessening, if anything it was getting worse. then enter the dreaded bacteria!

what I have come to realize is that the Lord had a definite purpose in allowing me to get sick this past week. I came to this conclusion even more fully on Thursday night when I was laying on the couch that had become my home for several days. I truly believe that the Lord gave me time to get my back better because when I had my fever I could barely even sit up let alone be up walking around and doing things. I slept a lot, got plenty of rest, and my back had time to fully recover and heal properly without me pushing it to do more then it could. When I think about that I am soooo grateful I got sick. If that is what it took for my back to be better, then I would do it alllllll over again. I can't be here and do what I believe He has called me to do, if my back is out. Praise the Lord for bacteria! ha!

I think sometimes we go day to day not really paying much attention to our lives and the things that happen to us. Have you ever thought that maybe you have to wait at a stop light for an extra 30 secounds because the Lord is protecting you from an accident right past the intersection. Or that when you chose to hold the door open for someone at a restaurant, that maybe just maybe that saw a glimpse of Jesus in that moment. Or how bout when you smile to that homeless person you see on the street, maybe that was just the right amount of encouragement for him to look for a job. He has a purpose in all that He allows to happen in your life as well as all the things He leads you to do during the day. I was reminded of that this week...look for him in the "little" things...I bet you'll be surprised at what you see Him do!


The Buchers said...

Glad your back is feeling better!

GG online said...

You're so deep, you little deep-monster you. ;)