Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flying by. Family questions. Photos.

The first teams of the summer arrived here on Tuesday night. It's hard to believe that my first week with teams is almost over! It seems like they just got here today. I'm guessing that the rest of my summer will go just as fast as the past few days. This week we continued to do construction as well as a VBS day in two areas in Santiago. It's always a joy to see children singing and smiling and learning about Jesus.

I have been here in the DR almost 4 weeks now. It has flown by! I have been processing through a lot about my future. Some days I think I could totally do this "missionary thing" and other days not so much. It's been an interesting battle in my brain and in my heart since being here and I don't see an end in sight.

Been thinking a lot about mom's inevitable when u meet new people to talk about family. The dreaded questions always come up...which means I talk a lot about her and what happened and how I have been dealing with it. Which then means I think about her A LOT! I often wonder what she would think about my decision to come here. I hope that she would be proud of me, but I just still wonder. I continue to praise the Lord for the time I was able to have with her, for the memories, for the hard stuff, for the good stuff, and for all the stories I have tucked in my brain about her not wearing clothes! (these always make for a good laugh!) My life is what it is because of those experiences and for that I am grateful.

but boy oh boy do i miss her.

Here are some pics over the past week. (sorry there aren't more....i couldn't get more to load) Enjoy!

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