Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Void that CAN be filled

"Obama supporters now left with a void." was the title of an article I came across online in the past week or so. I just glanced over it but haven't been able to stop thinking about it....

Just so you know this is not a political blog...although I guess I should say that I did not vote for the elected president....but wait...i said this wasn't a political blog...

This title struck my heart in a really weird way and I can't shake it...the more I have thought about the depth of that title it just makes my heart so incredibly sad! That article was way more than a political summary of the state of Americans now that the election is over rather I see it as a sad, but true, summary of the hearts of people in our world who are looking to be filled with things that will inevitably fail them, things that will leave them still looking for more, things that will never satisfy. Whether it is a relationship that has been missing, whether it is the Biggie Size meal at your local fast food joint, a winning season for your favorite sports team, your fastest run EVER, the feeling you get when you watch your favorite television show, the way you feel after reading a great novel, earning one more dollar an hour, etc. These are all things that we fill our lives with in hopes in feeling complete, whole, satisfied. There is an emptiness in all of us that we continually try to feed...

Why is it that we are drawn to temporary things? Why is it that we are so inclined to look in all the wrong places? Why is it that we find ourselves perplexed when we have no joy, no hope, no satisfaction in our lives? I believe that we all have THE ANSWER right in front of our faces and we chose to ignore it. "We fix our eyes on what is seen." rather than "what is unseen".

We have missed it.

*Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35

*Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

*The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

As I think about the Lord, He sent His Son to die for us, each and everyone of us, so that we can look towards Him for satisfaction, fulfillment, for LIFE. See it's that easy, when we surrender our lives to Him, He not only promises us eternal life, but life to the fullest while we are on this crazy earth. No amount of doughnuts will ever take the place of Him who is our ultimate satisfier! Not even Krispy Kreme doughnuts! ha!

I can't sit here and say that I live my life like I know these things to be true. I often look for fulfillment in other things than the Lord. But my heart longs to view Him as my only source of true LIFE and fulfillment. I long to see headlines say "Americans filled to the measure of all the fullness of God". Shoot, not even just Americans but all people groups in every nation.... When will we realize His fullfillment is the ultimate answer?


OK....for a verbal processor who LOVES this whole Blogging concept I am ashamed that I have waited this long to blog! ASHAMED!!!! (head hanging very low) *sigh* Like any of you are sighing!! No one read my ramblings anyway...well maybe a few people do. ANYWAY...

Let's get caught up on the wonderfully boring life of me, shall we?? In August, I went home to PA for a week. Ended up being a hard trip, but wonderful at the same time. Got to see my family, which is ALWAYS a **JOY**...I love seeing how big my nieces and nephews are getting! Makes me feel old :( I also found out that my Big sis is preggers!! I KNEW IT...Oh and yeah, thanks Rebecca for lying to me for like 4 months....I soooooo knew you were PREGGERS!!!! Waiting to tell me in person, lying to me on the phone....HOW RUDE!!!! I have seen some recent pics of her and she in incredibly cute as a momma-to-be. Also on this trip to the keystone state we fnally went through all my mom's stuff to keep what we wanted to keep....I DID NOT LIKE THAT! It had to be done though. I found some amazing things that created fond thoughts and memories to flood my brain and my heart...I'll share just a few for your enjoyment:

1. Finding a pair of button-fly, stonewashed, tapered leg, high waisted jeans! OH MY...My mom rocked those like no one's business....with a pair of PURPLE high top Reebok sneakers! Seriously...couldn't make that up if I tried!!!!!

2. A 'Seventeen' magazine from 1997....leonardo was on the cover...what a stud!?!?!? ha! There was also a nice article on Hanson! Good times!

3. Digger the crab Beanie baby: let me just say that unless you saw this in person there is not real way to describe the insanity of what I am about to tell you. Seriously.... Whoever created beanie babies is a GENIUS! That person made a bazillion people think that putting beans in the butt of a stuffed animal and a birthday on a tag was the BEST IDEA EVER. My mom was on of the bazillion people that fell into the beanie baby trap and when i say fell, I mean FELL. We found container after container of beanie babies....thousands upon thousands of these things. And of course there were like 10 of each animal...I wish that I had captured the insanity on camera, but my weak description will have to suffice....back to Digger the crab: my nickname for several years and in certain areas of the state of PA now, was Digger. My nickname started it mom searched high and low for Digger the crab beabie baby for me one year for Christmas and that is what began the many dollar bills and hours spent shopping, hunting down, trading, and giving beanie babies. So yessssss...Digger was found safe and sound in a hard plastic protective cover with it's tag still intact (so the value would not decrease). It is now and forever will be in my posession!!!!! So yeah....lots of beanie babies still reside at the ol' house in PA...LOTS!!!

4. Insane amounts of Christmas Decoration....picture National Lampoon's Christmas that picture of their very lit house in your head....ok welp that is what Christmas was like at our house as well!!!!

And yesssss....I even have a scar on my body from that weekend that will forever remind me of the tough week in my life where I had to go through all of my mother's stuff, a week that I would have love to have not remembered much of (except for the time with the family!) I have a HUGE scar on my heal....long story hurt, bled a lot, and I think happened for a reason. Still processing that reason....but I know the Lord is up to something!!! AND I can finally wear shoes after several months of not being able to!!!


Ummm what else, what else?? I might be going on another missions trip...still praying about that. I'll let ya know more if the Lord leads me to go. I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF SEEING THE WORLD!!!!! Headed to see my gal pal Jill for Turkey Day...SUPER excited about that!!! AND just taking one day at a time...looking for the Lord in the small things....trusting Him in the BIG things...leanring more and more about Him everyday....and LOVING Him!!!!!