Sunday, January 29, 2012

Life is full of laughter

A week ago I was given an early going away gift from some of my co-workers.  The reason it was early was due to the fact that one of the gift givers was leaving for another job.  Please enjoy the gift and video!  (sorry i tried to directly link those on this blog, but blogger wasn't working) 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

3 1/2 months....

Pretty soon Texas will be home!  I am super excited about "starting over" in a new place, meeting new people, joining a new church family, connecting with family and old friends....YAY!!!!!  The plan is to me there by the start of May, unless there is a job that opens up beforehand (realistically trying to find a job outta state has proven to be a tad more difficult that I had originally anticipated so I'm thinking it will not be before May)  I am in a position where I am praying and hoping for the best, yet preparing for the worst.

The past few weeks have been really discouraging...getting rejection e-mails from job after job, having doubting people question my decision, focusing on emotions and not leaning on His truths, but when it's all said and done, I have no choice but to walk in faith trusting Him along the way.  To some people it may seem to be foolishness, but in my heart I know it's obedience. 

I have thought about situations I have found myself in over the past several years.  Raising support when I was on staff with Campus Crusade....I thought it would never come in yet I found myself moving to WV to do college ministry.  The Lord had provided for what He had called me to do.  When I knew I was leaving the Ranch and was about to be carless and jobless, He provided above and beyond.  A fixed car and a new job, health benefits, retirement package etc.  When I decided to live in the DR for 3 months.  He provided above and beyond the amount of support needed for the trip and then on top of that blessed me with a job that remained when I returned back from the DR.

Time and time again I have seen the Lord provide in abundance when I have willingly submitted to what He was calling me to do.  I hate that I have moments of doubt.  I don't like that I struggle in trusting Him to provide for my every need.  I often wonder if He thinks, what more do I have to do to show her that I am trustworthy?  When will she realize that she is not in control?  When will she release her life completely so that she can walk serving Me in full confidence that I will meet all her needs according to My will for her life?  When will she fully and completely let go?

Good thing this a journey, and there is grace.....cuz this girl surely needs it, a lot of it.  My personal hope for 2012 is that it would be a year of new beginnings.  Not just in relocating, but spiritually as well.  I want to continue to grow in my walk with my Savior.  I want to learn to trust wholy and completely, and to fall more in love with ways that I haven't yet.

Had a good reminder this week from an old friend....the thing that matters the most is my relationship with Him.  As long as I abide in Him, and walk by faith knowing my Savior, then all else falls away. The details of the move, the many unknowns, they don't matter.  What matters is that I know Jesus and I long for others to know Him, and I love Him and others because of His love for me.  The end.  :)