Monday, July 5, 2010

Humility is hard but OH so worth it!

About a week ago I hit my breaking point. This is a very good thing.

I realized a BIG sin issue I had in my life was controlling me and affecting those around me. It was pretty ugly. What's interesting is that it took being wronged for me to realize it. I have always been the type of person that is caring towards others. It kills me to know that I have the power to hurt and tear down. I can deal with being the one that is hurt, but I can't deal with the fact that I hurt others. I was consistently being hurtful and not really aware of it until the Lord revealed that to me through a misunderstanding where I was wronged...

I am sooooo incredibly thankful for how the Lord is in the business of changing and transforming...I don't want to be me, I want to be who He desires me to be. I am blessed to have a Father that isn't satisfied but that wants me to be like His Son and lovingly guides me towards that. I know I will never fully arrive, but I am thankful that I atleast get to be on the journey because that means He receives ALL the glory, honor, and praise as I continue to be molded into the likeness of His Son. It's not a pretty process or a fun process, but oh the joy that is found along the way, wouldn't change it for ANYTHING!

I am also thankful that He gives me and others the ability to forgive lovingly and graciously. Boy oh boy, what would I do if that wasn't true!?!?!?!

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient; bearing with one another in love" - Ephesians 4:2

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