Monday, November 5, 2007

I am a BWAP woman

Blogggg time.....yeah, it's about that time....i know, i know, you can hardly contain your excitement!
Life has been interesting as of late. I feel like everyday I am learning about something new, seeing something sweet about the Lord, just kinda soaking all that He is, in. Nothing major, but just good, good stuff! Went to a women's retreat last weekend at church.....the speaker was by far the BEST female speaker I have ever heard. What makes her the best you ask. Well EVERYTHING she said, and I mean EVERYTHING was completely supported by scripture. PLUS, she was so knowledgeable about the Word, it was just incredible! The topic of the weekend was "Belonging" and who doesn't need to know or want to know that they Belong! I think, women expecially, struggle with believing this...myself very much included!!!!
She said several great things, that I think were very applicable to our everday life. Here are some of the things that stick out to me that the Lord spoke to me through:
*Belonging means we know whose we are, who we are, and who we are to others.
*she said that the Bible is like our playbook. God is our coach.
*we need to put ourselves UNDER the Word of God
*My primary identity is that I am a daughter of the King of Kings!
*Comparison will compromise the beauty and certainty of your belongingness EVERY TIME!
*Truly victorious believers take what evil tried to destroy them through and instead have it turn around and become empowering instead!!!
*We have to choose to focus on what IS instead of what IS NOT!
*We have to recognize our own "Keys"...there is only one Amanda Hildebran and I am the only one that can carry out the plan that God has for ME, Amanda Hildebran.
You may have read these things and thought to yourself that they are pretty basic truths, I would agree and will also add that I have heard all of this before. BUT do I live daily like I know all these things to be true, nope. I tend to live defeated, believing in lies the enemy tosses my way, and I really, really struggle with trusting and believing that I really BELONG! Why is it that we do that? I would be willing to bet that very few of us live in the freedom and truth that we have! We all are sons and daughters of the King of Kings and don't live like we know that!
One of the coolest things that I took from the retreat was thinking about the Word like a playbook and thinking about God as our Coach. (was a refreshing way of looking at/thinking about what God desires us to do daily) I have played basketball since I was weeeeee lil'. I just absolutely love the sport, understand the sport, and can watch/play 24/7. It's just one of those sports that I love. I love the strategy, I love the skills necessary to play, I love the heart that you have to have when u step out on the court, I love the feel of the ball and then thrill of shooting, guarding, etc. It's just the coolest sport EVER! In order to have success on a team, you have to know the plays. You also have to know the coach and listen to the coach! So to think of the Bible as my! what a concept. If you are playing and don't know the plays you are gonna be lost, you're not gonna know what decisions to make, or when, and you are gonna look like a chicken with it's head cut off. This will allow the enemy (opponent) to win, this will affect your communication/connection with the coach, and it will affect your teammates! UMMMM, hi hello, if we are not reading the Word, the enemy wins, we are disconnected from God, and it will have an affect on those around us!! I mean, come on, what a cool concept!
AGAIN, not brain surgery, but what a concept!!!! When I played basketball, I constantly wanted to know the plays, wanted to know the answers, wanted to be in communication with my coach, and wanted to beat the opponent. I am now looking at each day like that....I wanna be in the Word, so that I know what I need to do and how to make decisions, so that I can know my coach, to know about His heart for me! AWESOME!!!! It has brought a new level of excitement to me as I seek after the Lord! As I continue to seek Him, and as He continues to seek me and pursue me, I know that my sense of Belonging will come, that I will be able to trust fully in the truths that His Word tells me, that I won't focus on how I feel, but will by faith believe His truths!!!! I hope that all of us would fully believe that we BELONG!!!!!!!
Can anyone tell me what a BWAP woman is???? It definitely goes along with the theme of Belonging....Here are a few clues:
1.Hebrews 6:19
2. 1 Peter 2:9
3. Ephesians 1:4
Hildebran out!!!!

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