Saturday, April 25, 2009

Not what I expected...

I've been reflecting the past few days about my life. There seems to be one major theme that I have seen throughout...if you would have asked me 12 years ago what I thought my life would be like, my ideas and what has actually happened would not match.

I always thought that I would go to college, get a MRS and graduate, get a job as a teacher then have kids, be a stay at home mom, and the rest would be history. Boy was I ever wrong. I also didn't think I would have Jesus as my number one priority and I really didn't believe that I would experience loss like I have the past 4 1/2 years. It's amazing to me how quickly we form plans in our minds of what we would like to happen. We decide what is suitable for us, what's convenient for us, what we would like, what we would chose.

Well 12 years ago this August I began a journey that has many twists, turns, and surprises and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am living in a state that I didn't know ANYTHING about, I'm most definitely single with very few dates to speak of, no longer have a mother, working for a ministry that didn't even exist, and I love Jesus with my whole heart! Boy how my life has changed. I've also been reminded of the fact that the Lord has His plans and purposes and He brings them to fruition...He has the perfect plan for each of us! Even when we can't understand the who's, why's, when's, etc. His plans are perfect.

Even though my life is nothing like I would have planned or picked or asked for, I'm truly blessed to have experienced what I have, met the people that I have met, and gone through the many valleys...He has used it ALL for my benefit and HIS glory!!! Thank you Lord for knowing what is best and protecting me from the things I wanted that were obviously not in Your plan for my life. THANK YOU!!!!

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