Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More randomness from yours truly.... it has been a little bit since my last "blog/note"...what exactly do u call it since it is called 18 different things on 18 different pages of 18 different ways of keeping in contact with people on the net. (so u sense my frustration in the amount of pages a person needs to keep in order to please everyone they know!! I could spend 24/7 just updating pages that I have...booo for the internet sucking away precious hours of one's life!)OK now that I have that OUT of my system just thought I would update everyone on what's been goin' on in the crazy life of ME. (cuz u all care soooo much! yeah right!!)

STILL adjusting to the US...BUT am thankful that it has been difficult because that says to me that the things I learned in Ghana and the things that left an impression on my heart haven't left! I pray that it will be an indelible change on my heart and life!!!! Everyday since I have been back I have remembered the people, the faces, the stories; I have remembered the hope, joy, and love I saw bursting from the people; I remember the true NEEDS that I saw go unmet, and I remember the truths that the Lord just lavished on me while I was there. I have this aching in my heart to return to Africa is soooo true what "they" say, Africa indeed has a way of stealing your heart. I am committed to praying about when, how, and where I will return. No plans are in the making but the yearning to go back is very much present!

TIs the season - for WEDDINGS that is. Since my arrival back to the good US of A I have had, no kidding, 2 bridal showers and 5 weddings IN A "last wedding" to attend is June 21st. THEN I have more weddings in the near future after that. Needless to say it has been an interesting few weeks for my heart. Single gals don't ALWAYS enjoy going to 1,000 events that remind them of their singleness...need I say more?!?!? BUT I truly have been blessed to share in some dear people's special days and for that I am truly thankful! (although I did have to miss one...bummed about that!)

Recently a challenge was placed in front of my face...a scary challenge was one of forgiveness. It was brought to my attention that unless I am able to forgive people that have wronged me I will just continue to be consumed with wounds, hurts, bad feelings of the events and people. most issues in my heart, this was not new for me to hear. Although, my response this time to the familiar info was new...I actually thought that the person was RIGHT!!! who knew? Nah...seriously though, I think this was the first time after hearing it that I knew the Lord was calling me to FINALLY do it...forgive, but not forget. Sooo funnny, I have TOTALLY avoided meeting with the Lord on this matter cuz it's scary, hard, messy, painful, etc.etc. BUT He has a funny way of not letting me get away with being disobedient. I have been doing this Bible Study on the fruit of the Spirit and this week we were learning about you would think that I would be safe from dealing with the forgiveness issue...i mean, forgivenss....patience...they DO NOT go hand in hand, right!?!?!?

WRONG....just ask Beth Moore who asked THE LORD!!!!!!! Goodness...He has this incredible way of allowing us to have things happen in our life that reinforce what He is going to show us day in and day out. It kinda is annoying!!! IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE!!!! Sooo needless to say I have been really challenged the past couple of weeks to fully and completely deal with issues in my life that have been present for several years...Here are some truths that I have "come across" that I believe are worth sharing:
*Being made conformable is rarely comfortable.
*How we respond to circumstances is important, but how we respond to others is critical.
*If He is patient with us and He has no sin, how patient must we be toward others with whom we share the same sin? Judgement strangles patience and grieves the Holy Spirit.
*It's easier to be clay than the potter.
*Matthew 18:15-35 Sweeeeet parable about forgiveness!!
*You cannot be free to keep step with the Spirit when you are encumbered by the load of unforgiveness.
*Forgiving won't make the offense all right; it will make YOU all right!
*Christ has a purpose in the pain you've suffered of He never would have allowed it. Until you surrender to His purpose in the specific matter at hand, He cannot work it for your good.

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23ooops

ALMOST forgot....In honor and memory of my mom for mother's day I planted a rhododendron on the property at the Ranch near a BEAUTIFUL is such a cooooool place!!! It was a special way for me to remember will be coming soon cuz it is in full bloom!

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