Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Clinging to the Cross

Simply to the cross I cling. Letting go of all earthly things. I'm clingy to the cross. Mercy's found a way for me, hope is here as I am free. Jesus You are all I need, I'm clinging to the cross.
This is the chorus that played over and over as I took a prayer drive this past Sunday all around Morgantown. Prayer drive, you ask? Yes, a prayer drive. I felt led to drive all over Morgantown and pray as the Lord led me to pray. It was one of the best afternoons I have had in a very long time. As I passed the hopsitals and prayed for the patients and family members visiting the patients, and as I drove down the street that is lined with bars and crazy college students the chorus above played over and over again.

Driving past old churches that I have attended, apartments of my first and only ex-boyfriend, the place I drove to after I left the hospital the night after my mom passed away, and past the homes of all the friends I have made over the years I was reminded of His faithfulness, His love, His grace, and His joy. Praying for the ones that have wounded me...praying for the ones I have wounded. Praying for the ambulance as it sped past me with it's lights glaring. Praying for my future. Praying truths from His Word. Praying over the Crusade office, the Ranch, praying for all the amazing people who are serving the Lord so that He will transform Morgantown into a place of hope....

As I drove and drove and prayed and prayed constantly listening to the words amazing is our life when we are clinging to the cross. How amazing is life when we are abiding in Him, immersed in His Word, looking for Him to move and work in every detail of our day. How amazing life is knowing that no matter what the minutes will bring, the pain ahead on the path He has planned for us, He is enough. No matter what mistakes we have made His grace is sufficient. His love is enough. His mercy is enough.

Jesus, You ARE all I need.

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