Sunday, July 17, 2011

focusing on the pigs

Mark 5:1-20 The Healing of the Demon-possessed Man

Not cliffnotes, but Amanda notes: Jesus comands evil spirits to come out of a man, they then enter 2,000 pigs and lead the pigs to their death, drowing them in a lake near by. As people witness this miracle, they were afraid and asked Jesus to leave.

I have heard a few sermons in my day about these verses but the focus has always been on the demon-possessed man and the miracle that Jesus performed in his life. After He performs the miracle, He comands the man to share with others what He did, so that others will believe in Him. The emphasis has been on the man being commanded to share his story, to tell others of the mercy and love of Jesus. This emphasis is important and I don't mean to minimalize it, however that is not what strikes me in this story.

I think the reason is three-fold:

1. I have ALWAYS seen the importance of sharing my story with others. It's actually my favorite thing to tell people because I love using personal stories to relate to others. I guess you can say I value that aspect of building relationships with others.

2. I think that this lesson is very obvious to the reader, Jesus's teaching was very apparent in this chunk of scripture.

3. Timing is everything and I think I needed to see an additional lesson these verses emphasize. (isn't that the great thing about the Lord! He has timely lessons for us as He is working in our lives and that His truths are even in the shortest of verses!)

What strikes me is the response of the people that witnessed the miracle. They focused on the pigs....they missed it. They missed seeing mercy and love that occurred right in front of their faces! They missed the bigger picture because they were distracted by the pigs. The pigs represent a loss, a worldy and financial loss. It is clear to me what their hearts were focused on.

That resonates soooooo much in me.....makes me realize just how much i miss when my heart is focused on worldy things. I miss what He is doing in and through me when it is right in front of my face! I am distracted by unmet desires. being busy and selfish with my time. being lazy and not in the Word as much as He desires for me to be. not giving up desires that may not be of the Lord. Struggling with finding my security in other things then the Lord.....etc etc.

Going back to a more obvious lesson of these verses..sharing what He has done and is doing in our lives. If we are focusing on the "pigs" and not on Him how can we even be active in sharing what He is doing when we are too distracted to see it....Whoa! Makes ya think doesn't it? Makes me think. I pray that my focus would not be on the "pigs" but on our Maker!

1 comment:

Tonya Smith said...

Amanda. Your thoughts are pretty spot on, in my opinion. I agree that God will show us what he wants us to know at certain times in His walk with us. One of the infinite things about God that I love, is how a particular verse you may know by heart, (and hopefully practice), can bring about a whole new meaning. God, is awesome!! I only pray that others, that everyone may share in this joy! A great thing that God just showed me while reading this particular post, is that my mom, and others I know have lost a lot. But, they can only focus on the worldy, temporal things of this world. It is very sad! But, again, God works in His time and in His way..we can only pray for those not seeing HIM (in ALL of HIS glory), that they will be awaken. Love ya, Tonya Smith aka, your cousin <3