Monday, July 13, 2009

Job Search 2009

Well, it's been a few days since the job search officially began. It started off GREAT considering that I haven't had to do a resume since 1999. And that resume was designed specifically to apply for teaching positions. Ummm, yeah, so needless to say I had to get movin' on my resume and get movin FAST! Thanks to the handy dandy work of my big sis, my resume was completed last week and I have been able to get it out to 23 different job postings. Pray that the Lord would allow me to discover the job He has specifically for me!

It's funny...normally if I don't know what is going on in my life I totally, completely FREAK OUT! However, this time I haven't. I have had a weird peace inside of me since this whole process began about a month ago. It's as if the Lord has been preparing my heart for months for this to be happening...He's good like that! Sooo, even though it seems ridiculous that I will find a job that meets my needs and specific "requirements", I just know that I know that I know, that He is not surprised that I am looking, and He has the PERFECT job. I just need to do what He is calling me to do until He allows me to discover it. Scary? Heck yeah! Exciting? Abosolutely! Seemingly impossible? Not when HE is in complete control!!!!

I'm excited to begin this new journey He has for me. I am thrilled at the idea of going overseas! I am anxiously awaiting for all that this journey has for me! I am astounded at His desire and love for me! Thankful that I have a Father who has a plan for my life and as I step out in faith, He will lead and direct me where He desires me!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~Jeremiah 29:11

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