Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1/2 Marathon...22...James...Ranch

whew...lots and lots going on lately. Where shall I start? I guess at the 1/2 marathon. and NO WAY am I talking about myself, just so ya know! Last weekend I got to be at the finish line while my friend Jeanette completed her first 1/2 marathon! It was soooooo exciting! Here is a pic of her crossing the finish line like a CHAMP:

I am sooooooooo PROUD of her. She set a goal to do something she had never done before and she did it! I was literally crying as she crossed the finish line. What a cool thing to be a part of in her life!!!!! YAY Jeanette! Can't wait until the next one you run in! ;) Below is us after she ran...doesn't she look stunning. Wish I looked like that after running...i'm a hott mess, but she is gorgeous as ever!

I am happy to report that as of June 8th I have lost a total of 22 pounds. I was just thrilled when I stepped on the scale that Monday. I had run harder and more the previous week than I have done before and it paid off!!! I know that I have a TON more to lose, but I am just sooooo excited to be headed in the right direction! I can't even begin to tell you all that I have been learning during this short 8 week process, about myself and the Lord. I've said it before and I'll say it again, without Him it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to lose weight. It is His strength in me that has gotten me to where I am right now. I look forward to the long journey I will be on and I am super excited to continue learning more about Him as He transforms me physically, emotionally, and spiritually!!!!

James - I'm really pumped about a Bible Study that I am in. We are doing an Inductive Study on the book of James. I LOVE LOVE LOVE detaily things and that is exactly what this study is ALL about! Not only is the Word alive and exciting, but this Bible Study is also a great way for me to connect with other women! I'm loving it and look forward to the challenge!!!

BUSY BUSY BUSY - Things are movin' and shakin' at the Ranch (where I work). We have 2 HUGE events coming up next week, so it's a stressful, hectic, yet exciting time for us. Be prayin that God will get all the glory in the details of next Thurs and Fri. That His name will be made known more than any of our special guests names, or even the Ranch's name. It's because of Him that the Ranch will have any impact on this community, state, and the lives of the people involved.


beck said...

keep it up, lady!! very proud of you...

Lori said...

Thanks for the address to your blog...great work, way to go!