Monday, March 30, 2009


Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Feel like I have entered a "reflective" season here recently...It's kinda weird...I feel like I haven't been my obnoxious self! Wonder how many people appreciate these seasons?!?!?! ha! It started before the trip to the DR, but intensified when I was's often like I enter my own little "world" in my head...SCARY!!!! :) Although sometimes I appreciate these times because I think it's good that I am stretched and challenged by the Lord and that I am reflecting on all that He is teaching me. On the other hand it can get very overwhleming because it seems as if I can't escape from my thoughts!

Been thinking about my mom alot lately. There is never a day that goes by that I am not reminded of her, but recently it's been a lot more frequent. It's hard to believe that it has been 4 years, 4 months, and 6 days since she passed away. Some days the memories are soooo fresh that it seems like it was yesterday, and then other days I feel like I can't even remember what her voice sounded like. Today I was just reminded of how much the Lord has healed me and continues to heal me. I'm sooooo thankful that He met me the way He did the first few years after she passed away. I am who I am now as a result of the gowing up it forced me to do. I hate that she is gone but I am incredibly thankful for all the Lord has taught me as a result of the need to trust Him in ways that I never thought was possible. It's neat to see and know that in this loss He has received all the GLORY!!!!

I have also been trying to figure out how to be content in the place He has me. I have Life A, but I desire and feel like I was made for Life B. I often wonder how to live in Life A when I am soooo discontent and long for Life B. Does anyone else struggle with this???? Does anyone else have the "magic answer" to be content in where He has me/you when I/you desire something that we haven't been given??? If so, please enlighten me because I am tired of the battle that wars inside of me! I long to be a woman who is content in all circumstances. I desire to take what He has blessed me with and make the most of live the abundant life He desires me to live...and not long for something else. It's sad to see how wicked my heart can be....

Also been learning a lot about what it means to know that my identity is found IN Christ. That is such a foundational truth for a's a shame that I don't live like I know that truth. Still grappling with this issue....maybe another blog to come about that.

Soooo anyone out there got some wisdom from the Word to encourage me?? That would be super great if ya got any! Ginny....I know u do, give it to me sistah! ;)

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