Wednesday, October 10, 2012


apparently i smile a lot.  like, a lot alot.

so i have now lived in Austin, TX for just over 5 months and i'm pretty sure i have been told 1,000 times that i smile a lot.  really?  do people in TX not smile that much????  i think it's funny that has been the major observation people have made about me since relocating especially since there were a lot of days early on when i felt like crap because mono had gotten the best of me.  also i was sad that i was a foreigner in a strange land where there was a lot of traffic, a lot of weird lookin folks, and no mountains.  yes, i did kind of get used to to the crazy landscape that is WV.  I also think it's funny because it's not something I even notice I am doing.

You know why i smile a lot?  It's because of who is in me...the light that shines so bright is Jesus residing in my heart.  I think it's awesome that people are seeing Him, not me.  NOW I smile even brighter and wider when someone comments on my smile because I am reminded of who they are seeing when they notice my smile.  I am also excited to tell them that is He they are seeing not me.  How cool is it that we can be a vessel for His love, truth, and joy to shine through!  That we can be compassionate, loving, forgiving, and gracious because He resides in us!  How awesome is it that He can be known as we serve and love Him by what people observe in us.  It's not's Him in us!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, 
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
 Romans 15:13

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its true! you do smile a lot.. even when you're in uncomfortable situations! haha!