Monday, March 7, 2011

Plan B....or is it??? (Part 3)

Oh Plan B.....u just sit there and act all powerful. Like u control me or something. Like u r a surprise. Like you are big, bad, and all that and a bag of chips. BUT to the Lord, you my friend, are His Plan A which is perfect!

I have been reading Plan B by Pete Wilson now for several weeks. I actually have stopped about half way through and just have been letting the thoughts stir in my lil in my lil heart....and process, chew, process, chew etc. Normally when I read a great book I just read and read until it's done cuz I get soooo excited. With what the Lord has been showing me through this book I feel it calls for more time. I am just letting the truths, scriptures, words of encouragement penetrate my heart. this is a good thing.

One of the things the Lord has been showing me is I think it's plan B. HE knows it's HIS plan A. Nothing surprises Him, nothing interferes with His plan, He is sovereign over everything, He is in complete control! He is not surprised at the circumstances in our lives, in fact He allows them all for our good and His glory!!! He uses everything for the good. He reveals Himself in the midst of pain. He bring glory to Himself by being faithful to get us through each and every "Plan B" we face! He is with us. He is guiding us. He is perfect in loving us. He chooses to be gracious. He willingly provides mercy and forgiveness. He lavishes us with healing. He gives us all we need and more to not just endure our circumstances but dance with joy in the midst of them!

Instead of me whining about my Plan B I want to choose to rejoice in the fact that it's His Plan A!

1 comment:

GG online said...

yay/boo Plan B! - you know I love you.