Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well folks the past few months have been full of fun, change, joy, growth, & stress... Instead of me typing my typical 300 paragraph long blog I will just give u snipits of my life. r u ready? here weeeeeee goooooooo

~I went to visit my dear friend Jill in Wisconsin over Turkey Day! It had been 2 1/2 years since we had seen each other so it was a much needed visit! It was great meeting her family, seeing where she did ministry back in the day, spending HaPpY hOuR with her at Siggity Sonic!, venturing out to the mall on black friday with her, eating a cheese curd in her parent's kitchen AND living to tell about it, and plenty more fun was had. What a joy it was to be able to spend quality time with one of my favorite people in the world!!!! God is soooo good to have allowed me to meet her almost 8 years ago and she STILL is my friend by His grace! ha!!

~After several months of looking, the Lord provided me with a place to live that is perfect for me and is in my budget (which, let's be honest, is a miracle!!!) I met a neat family who has been soooo kind and generous to me to let me live bedroom house!!!! It has come with a lil stress like no furnace for the first few days I was there, a broken toilet, a clogged sink, and no appliances, BUT it has all worked out and all of those things are either working or have been replaced. It is truly a joy to be on my own again!! Although I do miss my last roomie, who was ridiculously great in letting me crash in her basement for the past 10 months! Georgie you ROCK!!!!!!

~I spent my very first Christmas away from family. Due to the stress and timing of me moving I stayed in WV over Christmas and New Years. I didn't spend the day alone, just so ya know!

~JACOBSON FAMILY VISIT #1,987: After about 3 days of living in my new pad I had some friends come into town and stay for a hott minute! Like always their visit was AWESOME and way TOO short...COME BACK Andy, Gin, & Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!

~Have met some really neat people the past few months too so that is always FUN!!!

~Had a Super Bowl ParTAY in my new house....thanks everyone for coming!! It was FUN!!!! I'll need to post pics if all the crazy people in my living room wearing 3-D glasses only to be disappointed at the lack of 3-D awesomeness. BUT boy did they look silly!!!!

~Some women from Crossroads Church (the BEST church EVER) and I started exercising 3 days a week. We have been doing Turbo Jam which I personally think it is a torture device! It has been such a joy sweating and laughing with the ladies there....

~As always I feel like the Lord meets me in such an intimate way...always lavishing me with grace, love, truth, mercy, & kindness...lots of things to pray about, lots of things that i am challenged by, and lots of things that He continually uses to shape and mold me!!

~Last BUT NOT least, yesterday my BRAND SPANKIN' new nephew came into this world!!!!!!!! (well, I mean he has been a part of it for 9 months, but u get what I'm sayin!) His name is Asher Henry Sorensen, weighing in at 8lbs 6 oz. , measuring 20 inches, with lots of hair, Peter's nose and Reba's Gigantic feet!!!!!!! I can't wait to go to Texas to meet the lil guy!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! This makes me an aunt of 7 lil ones!!! What a joy, what a joy!!!!

1 comment:

Reece and Angila Karge said...

You know, I love you and feel incredibly blessed to have met you.

I hope are awesome friendship is legit and you aren't a government agent sent to spy on me. ;)

I know how you roll.