Sunday, January 2, 2011

Long over due...

It's amazing to me to see how my blogging trends are indicative of the state of my heart. When all is right in the world of Amanda blogging occurs...a lot. When things in Amanda's world are "off" there is no blogging. My life has been really "off" since coming back from my trip to the DR. I guess you could say that I entered a little depressive state after I had been back for some time and I think I have just been sitting in that state. Still am, but atleast now I am aware of it and can admit it...out loud.

My weight follows a similar pattern....when things are going good, my weight decreases. When things are going not-so-good my weight goes up.

The real issue is this: the state of my heart dictates the state of everything else in my life, good or bad. If my heart isn't doing well then everything about me isn't going well and if my heart is in a good place, everything else is in a good place. Ever think about the sheer amount of verses in the Bible that have the word "heart" in them. I'm pretty sure it's because our hearts are super important. We are supposed to afterall "above all else, guard your heart...."

It's a new year....yay for 2011! I say yay, because I am ready for a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate...I am ready for another chance to guard what is most precious in me, to the Lord. I want 2011 to be the year that I actively, intentionally, and purposely guard my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Amanda :) God has big plans for you....