Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I will try to keep this short.... (WARNING - I rarely am able to do so even when I try) summarize, the Lord has just blown me away with His provision. And I'm surprised why? Well not really surprised that He provided, but surprised in the ways He has chosen to provide. I had made the decision to pursue going to the DR for 3 months all the while knowing that I would be risking a lot by this choice. After A LOT of prayer...time in the Word...Seeking wise counsel (and to be honest this process was repeated a ton) I moved forward with pursuing going because every time doubt would settle in, the Lord would reaffirm what He was leading me to do.

So basically I made the decision knowing that I would be losing a job that has been a HUGE blessing to me. I would have no guarantee of work when I return back to the states and financially have been trying to plan for not working when I get back. (I don't know how you men do it....providing for a family and's sooo stressful knowing that I have to take care of myself in that way. I am responsible for myself...yes, trusting the Lord to provide for my needs, but needing to do all He asks me to do in order for my needs to be taken care of. ) I had decided to tell my job a month before leaving in order to give them ample time to find a replacement. I knew that I didn't have anything to lose by asking them if my job would be possible to have when I return, but I honestly thought they would be crazy to do that. I fully expected to not have a job after May 14th...

I told my supervisor over a week ago...she mentioned that it could be a possibilty for me to have my job when I get back before I said anything about it. (the LORD was totally working in her heart before she even knew I was leaving!!!!!) BUT she told me that it was really up to the executive director. That's when i knew that it most likely wasn't going to happen. No disrespect intended but they are a "business" and have to make decisions in that manner...who can blame them for that? I prayed and prayed and prayed about this...trusting the whole time that He would provide in some way...

The executive director was out of the office all last week so there was nothing more mentioned to me about my position. This was a time the Lord worked on my heart and asked me to fully trust Him. Last night I prayed something similar to this: "Lord, help me to trust in You, help me to know that I know that I know that You provide for those You call. You are not surprised that I am going to the DR, You are not surprised that I will be in need of an income when I return. You have asked me to go and I know that You will provide for every need I have...from the support to go, the support for health insurance, the income to save for while I am there, the items needed to take with me, an income when I get back. Lord I know that this decision is for one man to make, but Lord help me to see that You are in control and that Your will will be done and not the plans of man. Help me to rest in Your plan. I trust that if I am able to have my job when I get back that is Your plan for me and if not then You have something even better for me."

After praying those things I just had this peace flow over and through me. I knew that no matter what my boss decided that He was in control. My supervisor told me today that the final decision was made and that they will be saving my job for me and I can start back to work when I get back to the states in August. I was blown away...I wasn't expecting the Lord to provide that as the answer...AND the most awesome thing about this is that I would be praising His name and giving Him all the glory even if they would have come to me with another response...I just knew that whatever they said was the Lord's plan and that it would be the thing that He would receive the most glory from! It was awesome last night to be in a place where I fully trusted Him no matter what the outcome was...

Its times like these that I keep near and dear to my's moments like these that I never want to forget, I never want to miss out on the joy He lavishes on us when He moves in such a way that you know it was Him. I love that He protects from things that we think are good and best, I love that He provides lavishly, I love that cares for us, for every detail of our lives, and I love that I can look at His Word...praise His on my knees in His prescence...that I can trust Him with my life! It times like this that I have to cling to when I struggle with believing Him for other things in my life: waiting for the man I pray He has for me, wanting sooo desperately for some thorns to be gone and having no hope they ever will be, laying down my desire to be a mom, etc etc. If He cares that I have an income, he most definitely cares for the deep deep longings of my heart!

He Provides!!!!


The Buchers said...

Praises to God!!

James and Rachel said...

That is totally awesome to hear that you will still have your job! Way to make that leap of faith even if it wouldn't be here when you return!

Anonymous said...


Ashley Alexander said...

Wow! I got chills when I read this!! The last paragraph of your post is so crazy encouraging to me based upon where I am in life right now. God really does care about every detail of our lives. I just have to continue to trust that HE knows best. Thanks Amanda!!