Thursday, March 11, 2010

My life as of 25 bullet points

in no particular order...

*enjoying my favorite time of year...MARCH MADNESSSSSSSSS baby!!!!!! Let's Goooooo 'EEEEERS!
*realized that seasonal depression is really real. for real.
*is feeling dizzy. i think it is due to me delaying the extraction of my wisdom teeth. jury's still out on my self diagnosis though.
*held lil Logan Gingerich for like 4 hours while he snuggled and cuddled. i love new borns!
*sent chocolate and coffee thoughts to my big sis. she is suffering from sleep deprivation due to a certain bundle of joy that does not enjoy the sleep.
*had a crisis moment in my leap of faith. amazing what happens when the Word penetrates a stubborn heart. crisis no longer.
*been surprised numerous times by visiting the local post office. the Lord sure does provide.
*laughed A LOT at work. what's new?
*gained weight. motivation who? motivation what?
*been on my knees on behalf of the people of Haiti and G.O. and other ministries being Jesus to numerous hurting people.
*located a DREAM dress that just might be the lil motivation I am searching for. It's super cute!
*been battling the whole church thing....amazing what sin can do.
*being in a funk does equal cancelling scheduled gal nights....boooooo. guilty. sigh.
*miss talking to my gal pal Ginny...she just had Caleb and I'm sure is exhausted. i miss my friend.
*need to send thank you notes galore. too lazy to do it. but my heart overflows with thanksgiving. this makes no sense to me.
*made chocolate chip cookies. yumm.
*kept my phone minutes under 250 for a whole month. who says i talk too much?
*been reading some blogs written by people who are dealing with some heavy heavy hurts. life and death hurts. been amazed at how clear they can see God's truth in the midst of such suffering. My life will never be the same after reading their thoughts.
*started watching American Idol again after a 5 year hiatus. wise move. wise move indeed.
*went to Red Robin. Yuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
*trusting. praying. not understanding. still praying.
*realized i have a slight hatred for winter. it's pretty and all, but after 30 some inches, yeah that pretty much equals hatred.
*my level of wanting a dog has increased. have i mentioned that my plan has been to get one when i get married. yet another thing that i may have to do without the hubby. still thinking of a name, but a LAB she will be.
*I cried when Sandra Bullock won an Oscar. Is that weird?
*decided that this blogging thing is AWESOME once again....need to do it even more regularly.


The Buchers said...

Love it! You sure have a lot going on lady! Miss ya! Can you take a dog to the DR? ;-)

Ashley M said...

Um. Do you want Piper? I bet he would love to live with you. Just saying... you can have him. He's not a she, but he is a lab (mix) and really a great companion! He got me through A LOT.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading every part of this blog :) You inspire me Amanda!!
Kent and I hope to see you very soon!!

Thanks for all of the support and prayer over the last few weeks!!

GG online said...

I didn't know you went to Red Robin! What the heck?! ;)