Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Resolution(s)

Well I am proud to say that I kept up my New Years Resolution from 2007....it was to do something new that I have never done before each month...let's list some of the highlights from the past year, shall we? why yes, we shall:

*got my nose pierced
*flew for the first time by myself
*traveled to a few places for the first time (Atlanta, Chicago...)
*went to dinner by myself (was scary, but i like it...i know, i know...i'm a big chicken! cluck cluck...i am what i am, what can i say!)
*learned how to play tennis
*planned a trip to Africa...I'm going in the end of April!!! Waaawhoooo!!!!

In celebration of me keeping a resolution I think I will make more than one for the year 2008! SO here it goes...after some prayer and thought...

*live a healthy life style (cut back on the beer and wings!....jk, jk!!)

*read my books that are on my bookshelf so when someone picks it out and asks "is this good?" I can respond with something other than "ummmm, i hear it's good...haven't read it yet!"

*continue doing new things...life keeps on moving and I need to keep up with it!

*to daily surrender my desire to be a wife and a mom. (I desire it sooo much that I tend to cling onto the desire instead of giving it up to the Lord.....this one is gonna be a toughy....but I'm up for the challenge! Plus, ummm I'm prettty sure that the Lord desires for me to lay it down at His feet.)

*to randomly encourage people atleast 2 times a month (i used to do this sooo much and have gotten lazy...i love making cards, sending scripture to people, gifts, etc....just think, those who are reading this may get a lil somethin' somethin'....we shall see!)

So that's it....I'm excited for a new year, excited to see God in every area of my life, lessons to learn, prayers to be answered, to see more and more of Jesus everyday! Welcome 2008!!!!
Sooooo....any of u have a resolution u care to share??? maybe responding to all of my ramblings could be one?? i do love me some blog comments!!! come on u know u wanna!!!!

Currently listening : Albertine By Brooke Fraser Release date: 09 April, 2007

1 comment:

Ashley M said...

Three things:

1. It's about time you blogged, sister.

2. I enjoyed talking with you. Sorry I had to go so quickly. The man demands attention. Sheeesh.

3. I'm praying for.

love, love, love...