-Trip to South Congress. Lots of shops and fun places to eat. Had a slice of pizza from the 'best pizza in town', Homeslice Pizza. I must say it was some yummy pizza!
-Chuy's Tex Mex joint. Been there a few times...let just say the food is amazing and there is a HUGE fish with a delighful mustache on it. What could be better?? If you come and visit me I will take you there. :)
-WVU/UT Game! It seriously was the best sporting event I have ever been to! WVU kicked some butt, it was an excting game, and the crowd was soooooo energized and loud! It was a great experience being in that stadium and cheering on the Mountaineers!
-Torchy's Tacos - breakfast tacos are all the rage here in Austin. Best breakfast taco place I have been to yet.
-Dominican Connetion: Found a favorite coffee shop! Dominican Joe....sooo cool. When you purchase coffee the proceeds go to the DR! We all know that a part of my heart is still very much in the DR so to find a place that partners up with the DR was amazing for my heart! There is pics of Domincan and Haitian kiddos all over the shop! There is also a non-profit org that was started up and is based out of Austin...makarios...they meet the spiritual, educational, and physical needs to children in the DR. I am pursuing volunteering with them and possibly making more trips to the DR to assist in whatever ways they need in the future.
-Central Market. google it. it's awesome! I will take you there when you come and visit! :)
All in all my first few months here in Austin have been great! Even in the midst of having mono I was still able to enjoy my job at UT (when I could get out of my bed to get to the office) and time with the kiddos has been super fun!! Nothing like seeing Adam and Asher on a somewhat regular basis to put a smile on my face and it reminds my heart to continue being excited about two special reasons I moved here.
OK and one more thing that is sooooo not related to TX in any way....it just makes me laugh soooo much everytime I watch it I can't help but share: